Transmission and Distribution Insights

Access our library of transmission and distribution resources, featuring technical documents and industry insights drawn from our extensive experience in power system solutions. Stay informed about innovations and best practices in electrical grid systems.

Comprehensive Studies on Controller Tuning for PSS2B and PSS4B: Challenges, and Straightforward Tuning Approach

Comprehensive Studies on Controller Tuning for PSS2B and PSS4B: Challenges, and Straightforward Tuning Approach

A Novel Placement Technique for Utility-Scale PV Solar Farm Grid Integration

A Novel Placement Technique for Utility-Scale PV Solar Farm Grid Integration

Generator Failure Forensic Simulations Study, Lessons Learned

Generator Failure Forensic Simulations Study, Lessons Learned

Induced Voltage Study on a Traction System and Mitigation methods

Induced Voltage Study on a Traction System and Mitigation methods

Stability Analysis of Grid Forming Inverters and Converter-Based Dominated Loads for Grid of Future with Beyond Inertia Feature

Stability Analysis of Grid Forming Inverters and Converter-Based Dominated Loads for Grid of Future with Beyond Inertia Feature

Considerations, Challenges and Evolution in Dynamic Modeling of Synchronous

Considerations, Challenges and Evolution in Dynamic Modeling of Synchronous

Considerations, Challenges and Evolution in Dynamic Modeling of Synchronous Machines and Inverter-Based Resources

Considerations, Challenges and Evolution in Dynamic Modeling of Synchronous Machines and Inverter-Based Resources

Increase in fault ride through capability of direct drive permanent magnet based wind farm using VSC-HVDC

Increase in fault ride through capability of direct drive permanent magnet based wind farm using VSC-HVDC

Design, Implementation, and Application Guidelines of Master Power Plant Controllers in Dynamic Analysis for Grid Code Requirements

Design, Implementation, and Application Guidelines of Master Power Plant Controllers in Dynamic Analysis for Grid Code Requirements

Voltage variation due to solar photovoltaic in distribution network

Voltage variation due to solar photovoltaic in distribution network

Novel Night and Day Control of a PV Solar System as a STATCOM (PV-STATCOM) for Damping of Power Oscillations

Novel Night and Day Control of a PV Solar System as a STATCOM (PV-STATCOM) for Damping of Power Oscillations

Load modeling impact on system stability and guidelines for stability studies on an islanded system with grid-forming inverters

Load modeling impact on system stability and guidelines for stability studies on an islanded system with grid-forming inverters

Bibliography of HVDC transmission 2013–14 IEEE working group report

Bibliography of HVDC transmission 2013–14 IEEE working group report

Utility-based grid forming inverters applications: Seamless transition and power oscillation damping

Utility-based grid forming inverters applications: Seamless transition and power oscillation damping

Comparative study for improving damping oscillation of SMIB system with STATCOM and BESS using remote and local signal

Comparative study for improving damping oscillation of SMIB system with STATCOM and BESS using remote and local signal

Control of STATCOMs–A review

Control of STATCOMs–A review

Coordinated control of PV solar system as STATCOM (PV-STATCOM) and Power System Stabilizers for power oscillation damping

Coordinated control of PV solar system as STATCOM (PV-STATCOM) and Power System Stabilizers for power oscillation damping

PV solar system control as STATCOM (PV-STATCOM) for power oscillation damping

PV solar system control as STATCOM (PV-STATCOM) for power oscillation damping

Supervised and unsupervised deep learning models for partial discharge source detection and classification in electrical insulation

Supervised and unsupervised deep learning models for partial discharge source detection and classification in electrical insulation

Assessing One-vs-All 1D-CNN Classifiers for Multi-Label Classification of Partial Discharge Waveforms in 3D-Printed Dielectric Samples with Different Void Sizes

Assessing One-vs-All 1D-CNN Classifiers for Multi-Label Classification of Partial Discharge Waveforms in 3D-Printed Dielectric Samples with Different Void Sizes

Unsupervised Deep Learning for Detecting Number of Partial Discharge Sources in Stator Bars

Unsupervised Deep Learning for Detecting Number of Partial Discharge Sources in Stator Bars

Simplified Numerical Models in Simulating Corona Discharge and EHD Flows

Simplified Numerical Models in Simulating Corona Discharge and EHD Flows

Classification of partial discharge signals using 1d convolutional neural networks

Classification of partial discharge signals using 1d convolutional neural networks

A double-vortex EHD flow pattern generated by negative corona discharge in point-plane geometry

A double-vortex EHD flow pattern generated by negative corona discharge in point-plane geometry