Comprehensive Bus Duct System Solutions
RMS Energy offers a full range of bus duct system solutions to ensure peak operating efficiency for your power system. Our experience covers everything from Engineering to Installations, maintenance, modifications, and repairs.
A Complete Turn-Key Bus Duct Service Portfolio
- Design Engineering and Studies
- Greenfield Installations
- Bus Modifications/Retrofits
- Transformer Retrofits
- Generator Switchgear Retrofits
- Inspection, Maintenance, and Repairs
- Parts Supply

Specialized Bus Duct Electrical Services
- Maintenance, Inspection, and Condition Assessment
- Complete Design and Installation Services
- Expert Modifications and retrofits
- Rating Increases and Forced Air Cooling
- Online Monitoring Evaluation and Design
- Silver Plating and Life Extension
Advanced Diagnostics for Peak Bus Duct Reliability
Online Services:
- IR Inspection (Thermography)
- Visual Inspection
Offline Services:
- General Condition Assessment (Level 1)
- Offline Inspection & Maintenance (Level 2)
- Cryogenic Cleaning (Level 3)

Bus Duct Life Extension
If concerns are uncovered during testing or maintenance, we develop engineered solutions to mitigate problems, improve the condition of the bus duct system, and extend the serviceable life of your equipment.
RMS Energy Mobile Shop
Backed by RMS Energy’s extensive engineering and field service capabilities, this MOBILE SHOP provides full-service response to emergencies and standby support for critical outages, ensuring time critical response to support your highest priority projects. This latest addition to the RMS Energy fleet, expanding RMS capabilities to serve customers on site and during outages by bringing emergency response fabrication capabilities straight to your doorstep. This full-service, mobile fabrication trailer has all equipment and capability to support:
- Fabrication
- Refurbishment
- Repair of isolated phase bus, non-segregated phase bus, switchgear, and transformer bus bars
- Reverse Engineer damaged components
- ......directly onsite!
- To see our Mobile Shop Brochure, CLICK HERE

Why Choose RMS Energy for Bus Solutions?
Comprehensive Expertise: From installation to maintenance and life extension, we cover all aspects of bus duct systems.
Advanced Technology: We use the latest techniques for testing and diagnostics to ensure optimal performance.
Customized Solutions: Our engineered solutions are tailored to your specific needs and system requirements.
Nationwide Service: With our locations across the US, we provide rapid response and localized support.